Soft attenuation of high-power signals


In one embodiment, a high-level compensation (HLC) module receives samples of an input signal and determines whether a magnitude of each sample, represented in a linear domain, is relatively low or relatively high by comparing the magnitude to a threshold. If a sample is less than or equal to the threshold, then it is considered to have a relatively low magnitude and the sample is not attenuated. If a sample is greater than the threshold, then it is considered to have a relatively high magnitude and the HLC module attenuates the sample according to a “soft” non-linear function. The “soft” non-linear function is characterized by at least two of the following characteristics: the non-linear function (i) increases monotonically, (ii) forms a convex upwards curve, (iii) has a first derivative at the threshold equal to one, and (iv) has a first derivative at a maximum possible magnitude value equal to zero.

Aleksandr Petiushko Александр Петюшко
Aleksandr Petiushko Александр Петюшко
Director, Head of ML Research / Adjunct Professor / PhD

Principal R&D Researcher (15+ years of experience), R&D Technical Leader (10+ years of experience), and R&D Manager (8+ years of experience). Running and managing industrial research and academic collaboration (35+ publications, 30+ patents). Hiring and transforming AI/ML teams. Inspired by theoretical computer science and how it changes the world.