Recent & Upcoming Talks


AI in Education – Revolution and Future
A panel discussion about the challenges of education in the AI era.
Autonomous Driving: From Basics to Behavior Challenges
Overview of the Autonomy Stack and the problems of its Behavior side.
Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Driving
A panel discussion about the challenges and possible ways to solve it inside Autonomous Driving area.
Autonomy: Introduction of ML for High School
Overview of the Autonomy Stack, related problems, and possible new jobs.
Autonomy: Open Questions
Open unsolved questions to the Autonomy Stack, its Safety, and Evaluation.


Autonomy Challenges
A holistic approach to understand the challenges that Autonomy faces.
Interviews in AI
Overview of the Interview sessions and needed competencies and skills in the AI Industry.
Industry in AI
Overview of the Industrial Labor Market in the AI field.
Trends in AI: Multi-modality, Multi-tasking, Effectiveness
Overview of the trends in Generative AI.


Effective Multi-modal Multi-task models
Overview of the trends in Generative AI.
Lightening of models by design
How to lighten NN-based NLP models by design?
Neural Tangent Kernel: Introduction
The overview of the Neural Tangent Kernel.
Overview of Self-Driving Vehicle Stack of Technologies
The overview of the Self-Driving Stack.
Certified Robustness in High Dimensions
The overview of certified robustness problems in high dimensions.


Anomaly detection for AI
An approach to tacke multiple problems for robustness, uncertainty, out-of-distribution, interpretability, and anomalies.
Adversarial Machine Learning in Real World
Analysis of Adversarial ML for Real-World Applications.
Certified Robustness for modern NN
The overview of certified robustness problems.


Adversarial Machine Learning
Light introduction for students about the research problem of Adversarial ML.
Metric Learning for facial descriptors
Problem of metric learning applied to face recognition.
Deep Learning methods for Computer Vision (updated)
Overview of advances in Computer Vision obtained by Deep Learning methods.


Deep Learning methods for Computer Vision
Overview of advances in Computer Vision and presentation of new ML and Computer Vision courses.
Neural Nets recent success and introduction to FaceID
Overview of advances in Neural Nests, Deep Learning, and Introduction to FaceID.


Neural Nets recent success
Overview of advances in Neural Nests and Deep Learning.